Born in 1957, Mehmet Göçmen, upon graduating Galatasaray High School and Middle East Technical University Industrial Engineering , has completed his Master’s degree in Syracuse University in U.S.A. in Industrial Engineering and Operational Research. Starting his career in 1983 in Çelik Halat ve Tel San. A.Ş. Göçmen served as the General Manager of Lafarge Ekmel Beton A.S. and as the Vice President for Business Development and Foreign Affairs in Lafarge Turkey between 1996-2002. He served as the General Manager at Akçansa starting from June 2003, he was appointed as the Head of Human Resources Group on August 1, 2008 and as Sabancı Holding Cement Group President on July 20, 2009. He was appointed as Sabancı Holding Energy Group President as of June 2014. Lastly, Mr. Göçmen was appointed as the CEO of Sabancı Holding as of 30th March 2017.